Urushino Tsunesaburo Co.ltd.

categories: shop

We would like to let people know the goodness of sikki.



Urushino Tsunesaburo Co.ltd. sells good quality sikki (japan, or urushi-lacquered ware) at moderate prices. All products are made form Japanese wood by Japanese artisans. Mr. Oshima,  president of  Urushi no Tsunesaburo is a family of makie-shi, the gold laquer master from generation to generation. He trys to let people know the goodness of sikki, by providing handy and useful sikki ware for the modern life, such as chopsticks, spoons, dish plates, stationery and so on. Customers often buy thier products for suvenirs and gifts, which are carefully rapped with a beautiful paper by shop assistants. Mr. Oshima always says, "Be nice to each other." When you visit president of  Urushi no Tsunesaburo, you will be greeted with a smile of shop assistans and feel heartfelt hospitality.  



・Carrying on Japanese tradition of sikki to future generations
・Good quality sikki at moderate prices
・Everyone in the staff is kind and nice.
Products and services
chopsticks, katakuchi(small bowl), hand mirror, cake tray,
makie ball-point-pen, persimon-shaped sweets bowl, bread plate,
pasta plate, makie music box
※Other than the above, there are many products at shops.
Basic information
Tel +81 (0)75 721 8282
Fax +81 (0)75 712 8281
Email shop@urushino-kyoto.com
Manshuin-michi workshop 
43-15 Ichijoji-Higashiura-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8136, JAPAN 
Business days Holidays are not fixed.
Business hours 9:30~17:30 at Manshuin workshop
        12:00~20:00 at Ponto-cho branch shop
        11:00~19:30 at Tokyo ginaza branch shop
        10:00~18:00 at Tetsugaku-no-mich,                           Ginkakuji-michi, Jingu-michi
                   and Kodaiji branch shop